On April 8th 2021, NZ Opera staff (with Board Chair Annabel Holland joining via ZOOM), came together for a half day wānanga led by Tūtira Mai NZ (Cherie (Panda) Waititi – Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau-a-Apanui). We were taken through an in depth discussion on where the Company sits and what aspirations everyone within the Company has, both personally and collectively, for the future of NZ Opera and all those who share in this art form.
Through this process, kupu (words) were collated and gifted to Tūtira Mai NZ and much to our delight and absolute honour, a waiata (both in te reo Māori and English) was then written and formed by Moana Whatarau (Ngāti Kahungunu).
These kupu were then given to Modern Māori Quartet (James Tito – Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāpuhi, Kuki Airani, Maaka Pohatu – Ngai Tāmanuhiri, Ngāti Apa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Matariki Whatarau – Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Tama te Rā, and Francis Kora – Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Pūkeko) who graciously composed a beautiful rangi (tune) together for this waiata in August 2021. He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa!
This will be a waiata tautoko proudly sung by the Company for future hui, kaupapa and events.