Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou Māori ki a koutou katoa!

Greetings within the essence of Matariki and Happy Māori New Year!

To celebrate Matariki and the Māori new year, some of our NZ Opera team shared a kai together here in our Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) office. We joined numerous businesses across Aotearoa, New Zealand who celebrated this kaupapa whakahirahira (important event), and it was a lovely way to take 30min out of our day, and share in kōrero and kai. It was also encouraged through tereomā that we share a kaikōhau (expression of hope) and we share that with you all below:

Nau mai ngā hua

Nau mai ngā pai

Nau mai kia nui

Kia hāwere ai

Translation: Welcome all things that have grown
Welcome all things that are good
May they be plentiful and abundant

NZ Opera staff enjoying a kaitahi!