NZ Opera Marae Wānanga at Mataatua Marae

On January 20th 2021, NZ Opera staff and Board Chair Annabel Holland had the privilege of being welcomed on to Mataatua Marae (Ngāti Awa ki Tāmaki Makaurau) for our very first Marae Wānanga as a Company. Our team was taken through a traditional Māori pōhiri including whaikōrero and waiata, ending in a hariru with whānau … Read more

Toi Māori internship

In 2020 NZ Opera applied to Toi Māori to host an intern for 6 months and was accepted as one of only three organizations nationwide to host a Toi Māori intern in 2020, alongside Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival and Te Pou Theatre. Awhimai Fraser (Waikato, Ngai Tāmanuhiri, Ngāi Te Ipu) was selected as the Toi … Read more

Kaihere Ao

Kaihere Ao is a role formed from the want and desire of the Company, to move forward and honour not only their bi-cultural journey but also to build and foster relationships between tangata whenua and NZ Opera as the Company progresses on this journey. The name “Kaihere Ao” means: One who brings the kaupapa of … Read more

NZ Portrait gallery

NZ Opera performed at a NZ Portrait Gallery fundraising concert in May, with proceeds going towards the inaugural Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Awards. The awards were created to encourage Māori artists to celebrate their tūpuna and enable space for them to shine their pūkenga and talents, in any medium – providing a platform for a new … Read more

Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou Māori ki a koutou katoa!

Greetings within the essence of Matariki and Happy Māori New Year! To celebrate Matariki and the Māori new year, some of our NZ Opera team shared a kai together here in our Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) office. We joined numerous businesses across Aotearoa, New Zealand who celebrated this kaupapa whakahirahira (important event), and it was a … Read more

The Unruly Tourists workshop

Between 6-8 May 2021, NZ Opera held a 2 day workshop for a new piece of work, The Unruly Tourists – Luke di Somma (composer), Livi Reihana and Amanda Kennedy (libretto). The Company reflected on how best to support all creatives and practitioners in this workshop space, with safety not only creatively but culturally being … Read more

Jennifer Ward-Lealand speaks about intimacy

What does an Intimacy Director do? An Intimacy Director works with performers in the live performance arena to put a professional process in place for intimate scenes, in the same way as you would for fight choreography. These scenes are often where the performer is most vulnerable and exposed and there is greater potential for … Read more

Participation round up

If you have been following our emails and content on The Marriage of Figaro, you will be familiar with our performers and the creative team that made this production so special. What often flies under the radar is the huge amount of activity that our Participation tīma put together for the wider community supporting our … Read more

The Marriage of Figaro – LIVE!

Following the cancellation of our Wellington season of The Marriage of Figaro, we are very happy to have a live stream available of the performance from the Isaac Theatre Royal on Tuesday 13 July. This is the final performance of this sublime cast with the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, so we encourage you to enjoy it with your friends … Read more

New Zealand Opera’s silent auction is now live!

We’re pleased to announce that we are holding a silent auction in support of main-scale productions. The bidding is now open!   Major productions such as The Marriage of Figaro are the backbone of our programming – bringing together live orchestras, local and international singers and incredible costumes and sets in one breath-taking package. Touring these productions to … Read more